The Servant of God
Father Anselm of St. Andrew Corsini OCD
Maciej Józef G±dek (1884-1969)
The Founder of the Congregation
of Carmelite Sisters of Child Jesus
The Servant of God Father Anselm G±dek OCD
Born on 24th February, 1884, in Marszowice, in the Niegowię parish, in
the diocese of Cracow. From 1895 was an alumnus of Carmelite Boarding
School in Wadowice and a student of a local High School. In 1901
received the Carmelite habit in Czerna and in 1902 made his first
profession. In the novitiate, inspired by the discovery that he was
"the son of Mary" consecrated himself totally to her. Until
the end of his life remained faithful to the decision he made: "I
want and I must be a saint". Completed his theological studies in
Rome and was there ordained on 25th July 1907. From 1908 to 1918 taught
theology in Cracow, Linz and Vienna and was an educator of clerics. Was
also known for his wide pastoral ministry as a spiritual director,
preacher and director of retreats. In Cracow founded and then directed
the Fraternity of Infant of Prague. In the years 1918-1920 was a prior
in Wadowice, where he founded the Minor Seminary.
In 1920 was appointed the first Provincial Superior of the revived
Polish Province of Discalced Carmelites. He made efforts to regain
dissolved convents and with great zeal took care of deepening spiritual
life in each Carmelite community.
In 1921 with the cooperation of the Servant of God Mother Teresa
Kierocińska founded the Congregation of Carmelite Sisters of Child
Jesus, to which he imparted the charism of Divine childhood according to
the "little way" of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. Propagated
in Poland of that time the cult and the doctrine of the "Little
From 1925 lived in Rome, where he organized International Carmelite
College "Teresianum". In the years 1926-1946 was its rector.
From 1931 to 1947 held the position of Definitor General; was assigned
to make visitations in various provinces of the Order. He was nominated
by the Pope Pius XI as an apostolic visitator for seminaries in Poland,
national colleges in Rome and a consultant to the Congregation for
Seminaries and Universities.
After returning to Poland in 1947 was three times elected Provincial. He
always gave testimony of zealous Carmelite life. With fatherly love
cared for a high spiritual and intellectual level of his subordinates.
He also undertook thorough spiritual formation of the Congregation he
himself founded and to which he left a great number of writings,
elaborated on new Constitutions and often visited particular
communities. An opinion of perfection always accompanied him.
Characteristic of him was great love of God and neighbor, humility,
simplicity and joy. All his life was for his confreres an inspiring
example of patience and fidelity to the religious rules.
The last ten years spent in the convent in £ód¼. At that time he
conducted a specific apostolate: by writing, prayer and suffering. In
spite of weak health and spiritual afflictions until the end remained
faithful to prayer and actively participated in community life. Once he
confessed: "All my life I have exercised myself in the love of
Child Jesus". Died in the opinion of holiness on 15th October 1969
in £ód¼. His mortal remains, after exhumation, rest in the vestibule of
the Discalced Carmelites church in £ód¼. The beatification process
started in the Archdiocese of £ód¼ on 2nd February 2002.
for receiving the graces through the intercession
of the Servant of God Father Anselm G±dek OCD
and for his beatification
O God, who has made that Father Anselm became the pattern of evangelical
perfection and proclaimed the doctrine about the Divine childhood of
Your Son, hear my prayer and grant me through his intercession the grace
of. for which I ardently ask so that in the spirit of gratitude I could
praise Your mercy.
O, Divine Child Jesus, let Father Anselm, who became the advocate of the
truth about Your childhood and loved You with his whole life, be raised
to the altars, help us to deepen our faith and lead all to sainthood and
salvation, who live and reign, for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father.
Information concerning the graces received through the intercession of
the Servant of God Father Anselm G±dek may be sent to the following
Postulation of the Servant of God Father Anselm G±dek OCD
91-358 £ód¼, ul. Z³ocieniowa 38
tel.(0-42) 659-24-97; 659-21-77
e-mail: azkarmel@archidiecezja.lodz.pl
Archbishop Wladyslaw Ziolek
Lodz 10.01.2002 - L.dz. 61/2002